Is Wooden Jewelry Good for Sensitive Skin?

As someone who's dedicated over a decade to handcrafting wooden jewelry, I often get asked whether wooden jewelry is a good fit for sensitive skin. Today, I'd like to delve into this topic and share my insights from years of experience. The Allure of Wood vs. Traditional Metals Having worked with a wide array of woods – from brilliant bacote to exquisite amboyna – I've come to appreciate the organic, hypoallergenic nature of wood. Many people with skin sensitivities often react to metals, especially those containing nickel, a common allergen. Wood, in contrast, doesn't contain such irritants, making it a...

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Shungite: The Enigmatic Stone of Healing and Harmony

In the realm of crystals and minerals, there exists a unique and enigmatic stone that has captured the imagination of seekers of balance and well-being: shungite. This ancient mineral, with its deep-rooted connection to Russia and its astounding healing properties, is gaining popularity worldwide. Join me on a journey of discovery as we explore the fascinating world of shungite, its history, and its role in promoting holistic well-being. The Origins of Shungite Photographer: James St. John | CC BY 2.0 Shungite, believed to be over two billion years old, is found in the Karelia region of Russia, near the Shunga...

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The Allure of Ebony: Crafting Timeless Jewelry from Enchanting Wood

Few materials hold the allure and charm that ebony wood exudes. I find myself irresistibly drawn to the timeless beauty and exceptional qualities of this dark, lustrous timber. In this article, I will take you on a journey through the captivating world of ebony wood, exploring its history, unique characteristics, and the artistry it inspires in crafting one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces. The Rich History of Ebony Wood Ebony wood boasts an illustrious history that spans continents and centuries. Originating primarily from tropical regions in Africa, Sri Lanka, India, and Southeast Asia, ebony has been cherished for its exquisite, deep black hue...

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Purpleheart: An Artisan's Treasure

As an artisan who is passionate about handmade wooden jewelry, I am constantly on the lookout for unique materials that captivate the imagination and bring forth exquisite creations. One such remarkable wood that has captured my heart and challenged my craftsmanship is Purpleheart. Renowned for its vibrant purple hue, Purpleheart wood possesses both beauty and formidable difficulty in woodworking. In this article, I delve into the allure of Purpleheart wood, exploring its distinctive properties, its challenges, and how it brings out the true artistry in crafting handmade wooden jewelry. Unveiling Purpleheart Wood Purpleheart (Peltogyne spp.) is a tropical hardwood native...

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Lignum Vitae: A Fascinating Species of Wood

I have had the pleasure of working with a variety of woods over the years, but there is one particular wood that always stands out to me - lignum vitae. Lignum vitae, which translates to "wood of life" in Latin, is a dense and oily wood that is native to the Caribbean and northern South America. It has a rich history, having been used for centuries for a wide range of applications, from clocks to bearings to musical instruments. When it comes to making jewelry, I find that lignum vitae is an excellent choice for a few reasons. First and...

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The Beauty of Burl

At Sticks & Stones I get the pleasure of working with some amazing species of wood. One of the most unique isn’t a species at all. Wood burl is a rare and stunning form of wood that is coveted by artisans and collectors alike. For those who are unfamiliar, wood burl is a growth on a tree that causes a unique and irregular pattern in the wood grain. The result is a swirling, mesmerizing pattern that is completely unique to each piece of wood. Burl wood can be found on a variety of tree species, including oak, maple, and redwood....

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